Proven Ways to Build New Talent

Proven Ways to Build New Talent

With CEO & Founder of XINNIX, Casey Cunningham a leadership lessons webinar. To successfully manage an incredible volume of business, you need to build an equally incredible team! As volume continues to increase and the inevitable shift to a purchase market approaches (sometime in 2021), leaders are turning to build the next generation of mortgage professionals. Earlier this month, Casey Cunningham hosted “Proven Ways to Build New Talent” – part of the XININX Leadership Lessons Series where she shared XINNIX’s proven methodology behind successfully building the next generation of mortgage professionals. Leaders who attended the session walked aways with: XINNIX’s proven formula to grow your business with new talent Where to find the highest quality rookie hires and the qualities all successful rookies share The most effective ways to ensure your newly hired team is productive for long-term success At XINNIX, we know what it takes to build new talent fast, and we want to prepare you for all the success that potentially lies ahead for your business in 2021 by teaching you how to quickly and effectively build your new talent. Because of this, we want to offer a recording of the session and the accompanying handout to those who may have missed the event. To access the recording, complete the form on the right. We know you will find this content relevant and helpful in growing your business!

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