Market Script (PEG)

Market Script (PEG)


What is PEG?

“What do you think rates are going to do?” This is a common question Loan Officers must frequently answer.

At XINNIX, we believe professional loan officers should respectfully and directly answer this key client question to ensure maximum customer satisfaction. Why? Because you never get a second chance to make an excellent first impression. The confidence, manner, content, and concise nature in which this question is answered is critical to gaining a customer’s “buy-in.”

PEG is an acronym that stands for:

    • Present (current market conditions)
    • Expectations (industry expert’s forecast)
    • Guidance (personal, client-specific advice)

When you exude personal confidence, communicate with clarity, and provide brief, accurate, and relevant market information to your clients, you will differentiate yourself as a true professional. Our weekly market script will help you consistently deliver a professional response to your client’s important market question, and you will gain a tremendous opportunity to showcase your professionalism!


Week of July 22, 2024

Present Market Conditions

Attributed to Sam Khater, Chief Economist.

"The 30-year fixed-rate mortgage fell to its lowest level since mid-March, dropping 12 basis points from last week,” said Sam Khater, Freddie Mac’s Chief Economist. “Mortgage rates are headed in the right direction and the economy remains resilient, two positive incremental signs for the housing market. However, homebuyers have yet to respond to lower rates, as purchase application demand is still roughly 5 percent below Spring, when rates were approximately the same. This is not uncommon: sometimes as rates decline, demand weakens, and the apparent paradox is driven by buyers making sure rates don’t decline further before they decide to purchase.”


This week will bring us quite a bit of information to take in.  Tuesday kicks things off when the Existing Home Sales data is released.  Wednesday then follows up with the New Home Sales numbers.  The 2nd quarter Gross Domestic Product (GDP) will be released on Thursday along with the Durable Goods orders.   Friday then brings us the always important Core PCE price index which is the favored inflation indicator for the Fed. 


It’s a great time to be in the market for a mortgage!  You’ll want to make sure you take advantage of this great time to buy!

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