Where Are Your Miles Leading You?

By XINNIX | April 18, 2017 | Management

Are your miles adding up?

Are you hitting 50 miles a day?

Have you had a 100 mile day yet?

Growing your business is a journey. To successfully reach your destination, you must be sure you are making the right covering enough distance everyday.

Keeping track of your progress will guide you toward effective sales activity. Here are some practices to keep you on track:

  1. End the day by monitoring your mileage. Evaluating how much progress you make each day will show where you are succeeding and where you need some extra attention. Focusing on the right activities will move the needle in your business.
  2. Prepare for tomorrow’s journey. This is when you can adjust your plan to ensure your next day is more productive. If you execute on the next day’s plan, determine how much more progress you would make.
  3. Compete with yourself. Improve your mileage each day. Decide not to leave the office until you have reached your target goals.

Generally speaking, you probably know what actions you need to take daily and weekly. If your prospecting activities are not where you want them to be, make sure you are using the mileage system. It works!

Put yourself six months into the future. Standing there, what decisions would you make today?