5 Mortgage Marketing Ideas for Loan Officers

By XINNIX | August 1, 2022 | Mortgage

It can be hard to market any business, but loan officers can find it particularly challenging to promote themselves. From not knowing where to post to not knowing what to post, mortgage marketing ideas aren’t exactly overflowing… 

That’s why we’ve rounded up five helpful tips for switching up your marketing and appealing to homeowners in unique ways. Here are five ideas for promoting yourself as a loan officer:

1. Diversify Your Marketing Channels

Like anyone, loan officers tend to have their preferred communication channels. Whether your go-to platform is Facebook or LinkedIn, posting again and again on the same outlet limits your audience. The same eyes and same ears are consuming your message, and you aren’t always reaching new prospects in your marketing.

There’s no better time than now to expand your reach. Understand your audience’s online watering holes and get on a new network. For example, Google My Business — while not really a popular social media platform — is a terrific promotional tool. Post updated business information, pictures of your office and happy clients smiling in front of their brand new homes. Don’t forget to request some authentic, powerful reviews for new searchers to see your impressive 5-star ratings.

2. Remember, Everything is Content

With the right mindset, almost anything can be turned into valuable content to promote your business. 

If you’re not already, consider blogging. Loan officers have to appeal to local audiences, and blogging about the best things to do in your prospective territories can help you rank organically and appeal to those looking to relocate to your area. 

Guest posting in particular is a great way to piggyback on a “bigger” website’s success. For example, if you can get on your area’s local directory website, that’s a win in and of itself. Or write a blog educating your customers on how the mortgage application process works to build their confidence in applying for a mortgage. The more you can earn their trust, the more likely they are to trust you with their needs.

Here’s another great idea… When someone qualifies for a loan, ask them to snap a picture holding their new house keys. At the end of the month, make a video compilation of all the new homeowners you helped achieve their dream house and post it on social media platforms. Really, there are many creative mortgage marketing ideas you could use to earn customer trust!

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3. Use Personalization in Emails 

Many loan officers use email marketing to leave an impact — and with the right message and persistence, emails can be a successful tool for earning and retaining customers. 

One of the best ways to leverage email marketing is to personalize your messages. It could be something as simple adding your customer’s name to the introduction of the email, or you could kick it up a notch and add personalization tokens. For instance, if they filled out a form on your website indicating the location they’d like to move, have that autofill in your email to show them you remember their preferences. 

According to Business2Community 2021 research, personalized email messages improve conversions by 10% and click-through rates by an impressive 14 percent. 

4. Focus on Growing Your Network

Sometimes loan officers laser-focus so much on marketing to homeowners that it can be easy to forget to play nice with others in the industry. For example, almost 90% of homeowners bought homes through a real estate agent, according to the National Association of Realtors. Think of all the referrals they could give you!

Consider following realtors on social media and mingling with them at networking events to establish a solid relationship with those within your community. With some time, they could market you without you so much as lifting a finger.

5. Keep Reaching Out & Engaging

Sometimes loan officers invest in marketing simply because they know they should. But it’s easy to get someone to give you their name and email address using a paid advertising campaign. It’s much harder to stick through their buyer’s journey and actually land a sale. 

Did you know that it takes an average of eight touches to close a sale with a new prospect? That’s right — eight!

But keep one important thing in mind: don’t be annoying! We have all been on the receiving end of a marketing email campaign that we found far more irritating than engaging. Instead, combine relevant communication, personalized marketing, phone calls and other touches, to stand out. If you are consistent and respectfully persistent, all that mortgage marketing could pay off… and then some! 

Finally, Achieve Your Goals — with Help From XINNIX

Are you tired of falling short of your mortgage marketing goals? Never be disappointed again. 

4 Key Factors for Sourcing Experienced Loan Officers