The Best Business Strategy of All!

By XINNIX | August 29, 2017 | Management

“A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all.” – Michael Leboeuf

You take a complete and thorough loan application. You actively communicate with your customer throughout the mortgage process. You answer questions and concerns in a timely and helpful manner. In short, you are providing incredible customer service and building a strong relationship with your client. Now, how are you going to leverage that relationship to grow your referrals?

  • Start by asking for referrals at every loan application. You don’t have to wait until closing to see if your customer knows anyone else buying a home or interested in refinancing. Your new customer has been fully immersed in the mortgage process, and they’ve become highly attuned to overhearing others who are going through the same experience. Once they’ve closed on their house, their focus will shift to the new priorities that come with homeownership. Have this conversation at the moment of application, while the mortgage process still occupies their thoughts!
  • Send an appraisal photo email after each closing. In a simple email, include a few good pictures from their appraisal report along with their new address. Suggest they forward this email to their family and friends to share their excitement about their new home. At the bottom of the email, include your contact information. Your satisfied customer just sent your name and contact information to their entire contact list!

For more sales and marketing strategies and tactical solutions to grow purchase production in any market, check out the EDGE program from XINNIX, empowering experienced loan officers to achieve immediate results with a week-by-week improvement plan in prospecting and production!